Sunday, October 26, 2008

The View from the Back

Today my friend Antonio picked me up on his moto to go to the Festival Della Creatività. I hopped on and placed my feet on those little peddles on the side and held him tight as we zoomed through Fi. I always feel a bit funny riding on the back of a moto or Vespa because you have to put on a helmet. As a pedestrian I watch the Italian girls maintain the bella figura and admire thier abilty to look sexy even though their hair is being crushed.

Instead of worrying about my appearance, I enjoyed the sceneray behind me instead of ahead as the wind blew my scarf and hair back. It was a bright afternoon and everyone seemed to be out riding their own vehicles, whether it be a BMW convertable or a bike. The tree lined streets blurred past and occasionally a person would wave to me, as Antonio weaved in between cars and lanes.

The festival was held in the Fortezza da Basso. It was filled with several different types of exhibits, from computer generated T-shirt designs to body art. They also had a special section dedicated to design and technology in Brazil.

One display of digital art did disturb me. Several peices protested the United States, George Bush and the countries economic system and corporations, specifically the pharmaceutical companies. There are alot of Tuscans who are constantly questioning me about Bush and the countries belief in capitalism. It gets old after a while, because Italy has just as many problems as the U.S., yet that is never a topic of conversation.

Whether I agree with the artwork or not, I do appreciate a persons voice and the festival for giving them a venue to proclaim it.


Exiliado said...

Many countries have the same problems as US...or have to admit...It is fun to question US...

sorry :P

but It is fun...

Kisses and I just discover your´ll be reading ya!


Natalie Trusso Cafarello said...

Hi k-burra (*aka the greek*),

Thanks for leaving a comment, and I agree no country is perfect.

As far as the other comment, I cannot give an honest unbiased opinion on this. It is difficult to detach myself and observe the United States objectively, ever since I have been living abroad.

I have found that I have become more protective of the U.S. even if the comments Italians make about it are true.

I am glad you finally discovered my blog. What took you so long . . . was it the photo of the naked girls that enticed you;)

I look forward to future comments.

Baci bello!


Chong Wu said...

This story reads like an episode of a novel. I like it, particularly the beginning when you described your experience of riding a motorbike.
Sorry for not being able to come back to you sooner! It's been crazy weeks.
Good news is I am going to defend my thesis, finally.

N said...

Hi, I found your blog on and I find it very interesting.

I'm interested to learn more about Italian culture. I'll be back:)