Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Being Chased by a Political Campaign

A man that I never met is chasing me. Anytime I leave my home I see him in the passing corners within eyesight. He is at the coffee counter. He stares at me when I am in line at the cashiers and I swear I catch a glimpse of him in store windows while I walk the street.

Today he made his way into my home when I picked up Il Reporter, a local monthly newspaper. As soon as I tore the plastic covering that enclosed the news, I saw his conservative wave-to-the-left brown hair and pink shiny lips peeking out at me.

That is when I realized there is no escaping one of Florence’s mayoral candidates, Matteo Renzi. As the primaries grow closer I see him more often. Today I came across his image on fliers, newspapers and inserts.

I honestly do not have time to read up on every candidate in the election. I think he will win the first step towards office that takes place this Sunday because up until this week I have not sought out information on the election or the candidates, yet I know his name and recognize his face.

He is young and running a modern campaign utilizing all the latest modes of communication and social networking. On his Web site’s home page songs by popular Italian artists, like Jovanotti, play while a computer that leads to videos of him on flashes “Renzi TV.” An Ipod that has a play list of songs with underlying political messages like “si può fare” (you can do it or yes you can), and a facebook logo so I could request to be his friend, are all arranged on the page that resembles his personal desk.

The page is innovative, fun and easy to navigate. But pr is one thing and following through is another. I cannot give an honest opinion on him yet, because I am not informed. I did request his campaign team to send me information in English because there are many expats who live here, who can vote, but cannot speak or read Italian and I think they deserve information in English.

I am interested to see if his campaign efforts will push him through the primaries.

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