Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Storm

There is a gray cloud hanging outside my window, waiting to burst and I hear the clouds rumbling in — hopefully it will be a big storm. I like big, thunderous, loud, storms as long as I am in a safe spot to see it. Like my home. Storms make for good writing day. Also, It has been hot in Florence; a cool day like this is just what the city needs to take a rest and rinse off all the grime left behind from July tourists. Ahh, raindrops — the storm is here.


Chong Wu said...

I share the same feeling for thunders with you!! They make me feel safe, actually!
Take care, dear! I will keep reading your blogs!

Atlantide-Humanista said...

Bella...allora adesso abito Olterarno. L'appartamento non é come quello del Germania dell'est? Mandami delle foto della tua nuova casa. Mi fará tanto piacere sapere che abiti in un posto piú accogliente.